Price Guarantee


1. Industry leading 30 Day Price Match Promise

We assure you that the price you pay will be at or below any competitor. Place your order now to get your project started. Continue shopping if you like… we are confident any price & warranty comparison will prove that you get the best value and long term satisfaction from us. Remember within 30 days from your order date, if you find the same product type BY THE SAME MANUFACTURER, with the same features & benefits offered to you with identical service, warranty and installation, simply provide a written and/or printed order invoice and Superior Blinds And More will gladly refund you 100% of the difference with an additional 5% after verification¹. Competitors quote must come from a CA contractor License and bonded / insured company.

2. Craftsmanship of the Highest Quality

Every product you purchase will be custom fabricated to your exact specification. Craftsmanship will equal or exceed the highest quality industry standard.

3. Our Industry Leading Warranty and Safety Standards

We stand behind every window treatment, window replacement and installation we sell. All of our products are backed by a Lifetime Warranty and are manufactured in conformance with the current voluntary American National Standards Institute (ANSI) child safety standards. Our job is not complete until you’re satisfied.


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